Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chapter 4 (Accouting news)



This is a news about the State lawmaker need to cut another $320 million from their budget. This means they could predict that their revenue keep decreasing. The revenue of the state will be decreased by $171 million from the current fiscal year, and also, $320 million from the fiscal year that begins at July 1.

And Gov. Jon Huntsman's also stated that their budget will keep decreasing by $900 million from last year; the lawmakers also decided to cut every state agency's budget by about 15%.


This news shows a clear relationship with the Economy Depression in America. As an result of the Economy Depression, America could not make enough income in order to keep the country work well. Many workers lost their jobs. This leads the society to a disaster such as: companies don't have enough people to work for it, many factories could not continue to operate. Many schools and community centres got closed. Children could not get the education they should get, people could not have a healthy exercise at the community centre.


The dramatic decreasing of the state budget also is another example of the Economic Depression in America. From December of 2008. America's economy kept sliding down. The caused many inconveniences for the people. Many workers lost their job; some school, factories and shops even got closed. The decline in America's economy also caused a world wide affect. In China, many new graduates (even with a master degree) could not find job. Many workers had lost their jobs. Many houses could not be sold, and many companies went bankrupted. This is a serious problem and as the news state out, if the state continue to go down hill, it will went into a disaster eventually.